Studio Olafur Eliasson: Unspoken Spaces

Thames & Hudson

58.50€ 68.90€

Thames & Hudson
Studio Olafur Eliasson: Unspoken Spaces
58.50€ 68.90€


Unspoken Spaces, pubblicato da Thames & Hudson, è il primo libro a trattare in maniera completa le opere dell'artista islandese-danese Olafur Eliasson. Il libro ricco di illustrazioni offre uno sguardo vario sull'arte di Eliasson, dalle sue famose installazioni gigantesche a esperimenti artistici su scala più piccola. I contesti per le opere sono forniti da esperti di diversi campi che le considerano, per esempio, dal punto di vista della storia, della scienza o della filosofia, e dallo stesso Olafur Eliasson.

Unspoken Spaces explores Olafur Eliasson’s driving interest in finding visionary shapes to represent abstract ideas. It is a richly illustrated journey through spheres, tunnels, towers, walkways and archways, as well as pavilions and larger buildings realized by Eliasson and his studio since the late 1990s. Binding the spiralling dynamic of these works are essays by renowned writers across a variety of fields – from geologists and historians of art and science to architects, artists and philosophers.

The works range from small-scale experiments to large-scale projects in the public realm, among them striking buildings such as The Serpentine Galleries Pavilion 2007 in London (with Kjetil Thorsen), Your rainbow panorama (2006–2011) in Aarhus, Denmark, or the crystalline façade for Harpa Concert Hall and Conference Centre (2005–11) in Reykjavik. Each work is presented through in-depth project descriptions accompanied by Eliasson’s own words. Produced in close collaboration with the artist and his studio, this elaborate volume will appeal to art lovers, designers, students and collectors alike.

Olafur Eliasson
Anno di pubblicazione
Copertina rigida
28 x 22 cm
2,4 kg
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