The Nordic Baking Book



The Nordic Baking Book
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The Nordic Baking Book è una collezione di ricette di dolci della cucina svedese, che lo chef svedese Magnus Nilsson ha raccolto durante i suoi viaggi nei paesi nordici. Nel libro troviamo ad esempio le ricette dei dolci alla cannella e del pane di segale e di altre prelibatezze tradizionale delle diverse regioni. Le ricette sono completate da belle fotografie di Nilsson. Magnus Nilsson (nato nel 1984) è il capocuoco del ristorante svedese Fäviken Magasinet, noto anche per i programmi televisivi Mind of a Chef e Chef's Table.

The Nordic Baking Book is a comprehensive collection of sweet and savoury recipes that the Swedish chef Magnus Nilsson has collected during his journeys through the Nordic countries. Ranging from cinnamon buns and rye bread to less-known pastries, cakes and other traditional delicacies from different regions, the recipes are complemented by beautiful photography by Nilsson. Magnus Nilsson (b. 1984) is the head chef of the Swedish Fäviken Magasinet and has appeared in the TV shows Mind of a Chef and Chef's Table.

Nordic culture is renowned for its love of baking and baked goods: hot coffee is paired with cinnamon buns spiced with cardamom, and cold winter nights are made cozier with the warmth of the oven. No one is better equipped to explore this subject than acclaimed chef Magnus Nilsson. In The Nordic Baking Book, Nilsson delves into all aspects of Nordic home baking - modern and traditional, sweet and savory - with recipes for everything from breads and pastries to cakes, cookies, and holiday treats.

No other book on Nordic baking is as comprehensive and informative. Nilsson travelled extensively throughout the Nordic region - Denmark, the Faroe Islands, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden - collecting recipes and documenting the landscape. The 100 photographs in the book have been shot by Nilsson - now an established photographer, following his successful exhibitions in the US.

Magnus Nilsson
Anno di pubblicazione
Copertina rigida
576 pagine
27 x 18 cm
ID prodotto

5 1


Sulla base di 1 recensioni

  • K



    Viele gute Erklärungen und noch mehr Rezepte. Ganz toll!!!!

    343 giorni fa

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