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The MR PORTER Guide to a Better Day

Thames & Hudson


Thames & Hudson
The MR PORTER Guide to a Better Day
Prezzo per membri 32.50€.
Prezzo normale 36.20€

  • Spedizione rapida in Italia
  • Recensioni eccellenti dai nostri clienti
  • Diritto di Recesso di 30 giorni

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The MR PORTER Guide to a Better Day è una raccolta di consigli per uomini eleganti che spazia dalle attività mattutine all'abbigliamento, ai viaggi e ai migliori caffè. Il libro è stato curato dagli editori delle pubblicazioni del negozio online MR PORTER ed è stato pubblicato dalla casa editrice britannica Thames & Hudson.

The MR PORTER Guide To A Better Day covers all aspects of a man’s daily life, from morning rituals, to flawless grooming to handy tips for taking the work out of your working and social life. Compiled by MR PORTER’s Editors and featuring wisdom from Messrs Tom Ford, Laird Hamilton and more, this book is packed with expert advice, helpful illustrations and full-colour photography that explores the habits and routines of the world’s most stylish men. Of course, it’s also got the wardrobe side of things covered: between each chapter, a dedicated section on ‘How To Dress’ offers a deep dive into the ins and outs of contemporary menswear, offering rules and guidelines on what to wear and how to wear it, whether you’re heading out for a fancy dinner, or spending a weekend recovering from just such a thing. Drawing on MR PORTER’s unparalleled experience of dressing discerning gentlemen across the globe, it is the definitive volume that every man of taste should have on his bookshelf this season.

Anno di pubblicazione
24 x 17 cm
0,86 kg
ID prodotto
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