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The Monocle Book of Homes

Thames & Hudson


Thames & Hudson
The Monocle Book of Homes
Prezzo per membri 54.00€.

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The Monocle Book of Homes, edito da Thames & Hudson, offre ispirazione e nuove prospettive sugli spazi abitativi. Il libro riflette sugli aspetti che rendono piacevole una casa. Curata dal team editoriale della rivista britannica di lifestyle Monocle, l'opera si sposta agevolmente dalla base a prospettive più ampie spaziando da case individuali a interi quartieri. Nell'opera ricca di illustrazioni, anche le fotografie si concentrano sia sui dettagli che sull'immagine più ampia.

Good homes are places where lives can unfold, families grow up, dogs jump on sofas, friends share your hospitality. They should also be places where you can find some solitude – a quiet corner to read a book, have a Saturday afternoon nap. In short, they need to be able to sustain you, inspire you and tell your story thanks to their architecture, use of materials and contents.

These are the attributes that Monocle has always celebrated when covering residences in its design and architecture pages – whether featuring a city bolthole, a modernist seaside residence or a summer outpost in a forest. Now Monocle is bringing this all together in one book that explores individual homes, housing projects old and new, communities of self-builders, even whole neighbourhoods where a simple philosophy of building well has created quality of life for many. Monocle has also recruited key thinkers, writers and designers to share their perspectives in a series of fascinating essays.

The Monocle Book of Homes is packed with great photography that delivers the bigger picture and also offers a focus on the smallest details. This is a book that could change how you live.

Anno di pubblicazione
Copertina rigida
30 x 22,5 cm
1,5 kg
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