Shaping the World: Sculpture from Prehistory to Now

Thames & Hudson

43.70€ 48.60€

Thames & Hudson
Shaping the World: Sculpture from Prehistory to Now
43.70€ 48.60€

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Shaping the World: Sculpture from Prehistory to Now vi porta in un viaggio nella storia della scultura. Nel libro, l'artista Anthony Gormley e il critico d'arte e storico dell'arte Martin Gayford esplorano le scultura di tutto il mondo, coprendo migliaia di anni di questa forma dell'arte. Gli scrittori riflettono sull'importanza della scultura nell'evoluzione dell'umanità: le sculture sono non solo oggetti ed ornamenti belli, ma opere d'arte e monumenti che sono legati ai valori, culture e religioni del genere umano. L'opera è stata pubblicata dalla casa editrice britannica Thames & Hudson.

Sculpture is the universal art. It has been practised by every culture throughout the world and stretches back into the distant past. The first surviving shaped stones may even predate the advent of language. The drive to form stone, clay, wood and metal into shapes evidently runs deep in our psyche and biology. This links the question ‘What is sculpture?’ to the question ‘What is humanity?’

In this wide-ranging book, two complementary voices – one belonging to an artist who looks to Asian and Buddhist traditions as much as to Western sculptural history, the other to a critic and historian – consider how sculpture has been central to the evolution of our potential for thinking and feeling. Sculpture cannot be seen in isolation as an aesthetic pursuit; it is related to humankind’s compelling urge to make its mark on the landscape, to build, make pictures, practise religion and develop philosophical thought.

Drawing on examples from thousands of years BCE to now, and from around the globe, the authors treat sculpture as a transnational art form with its own compelling history. They take into account materials and techniques, and consider overarching themes such as space, light and darkness. Above all, they discuss their view of sculpture as a form of physical thinking capable of altering the way people feel and of inviting them to look at sculpture they encounter and more broadly the world around them in a completely different way. 

Antony Gormley, Martin Gayford
Anno di pubblicazione
Copertina rigida
27,9 x 21,6 cm
2,16 kg
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