Living With Herbs, edito da Cozy Publishing, è una guida al vivace mondo delle erbe, perfetta per amanti del giardinaggio di ogni livello. Il volume è ricco di suggerimenti essenziali per la crescita e la cura delle erbe, uniti a una selezione di ricette che vi illustrerà come sfruttare al meglio le vostre erbe coltivate in casa usandole in cucina o per la cura personale.
If you long for the lavender fields of Provence and rosemary from the Mediterranean, or simply enjoy the intense flavours of herbs, you’ve found just the book for you. Living with Herbs guides you through growing herbs from seed and planting them in a backyard herb garden or container garden. The growing and care instructions make gardening a breeze, and before long, you’ll be enjoying your own homegrown herbs. Living with Herbs introduces the reader to different kinds of herbs as well as ways to use and harvest them. The recipes prompt creative use of herbs in the kitchen and in pampering herbal treatments.