Kustaa Saksi: Cosmos, edito dalla casa editrice Garret Publications, vi invita a intraprendere un viaggio avvincente nell’eredità artistica del creatore finlandese Kustaa Saksi dal 2012 al 2023. Residente ad Amsterdam, Saksi deve la sua fama ai suoi enormi arazzi che esplorano l’essenza dell’universo in una vivace chiave psichedelica e con un surrealismo colorato. Le fotografie di Jussi Puikkonen vi immergono nell’estetica distintiva di Saksi, mentre i saggi di Jessica Hemmings e Niina Tanskanen svelano le storie dietro alle sue opere. Rifinito con dettagli dorati, questo libro in lingua inglese con copertina rigida contiene 187 pagine.
Kustaa Saksi has created a unique visual style. Saksi traces recurring patterns of the world by observing natural phenomena, human sensory experiences, and the art and artifacts our culture has produced. With his art he has fabricated his own cosmos, one that is ever growing and expanding. The word cosmos, meaning the universe, is derived from the Greek kosméo, which is linked to expressing an order and arrangement of a particular world with decoration and ornamentation. The very idea of cosmos is at the heart of a designer’s or an artist’s work that aims to create and inhabit a world of its own. ’Cosmos’ looks back at an important chapter in Saksi’s career – his textile art, made between 2012–2023. In his tapestries, he takes us on a journey through transitional, eerie spaces that emerge between the imagined and the real, sleep and wakefulness, madness and sanity.