Eataly: Contemporary Italian Cooking, edito da Phaidon, presenta le ricette italiane più popolari, ma riviste in chiave moderna. Creato in collaborazione con Eataly, noto marchio italiano di gastronomia, il libro presenta 300 ricette di piatti italiani rivisitati per adattarsi alla cucina contemporanea. Con ricette facili da seguire e magnifiche, esaurienti illustrazioni, il volume include tutte le informazioni necessarie per chiunque, da chi è alle prime armi ai fornelli agli chef più esperti: gustatevi la nostra amata cucina da una nuova prospettiva!
This beautiful cookbook, created in collaboration with Eataly, one of the greatest Italian food brands, features 300 landmark recipes highlighting the best of contemporary Italian home cooking. Excellent, fail-safe recipes and new ideas are presented in a sophisticated package, making this a must-have book for everyone wanting to learn about how Italians cook today.
Gone are heavy pasta dishes and over-rich sauces – Eataly takes a modern approach to Italian cooking and eating. With recipes that are fresh and delicious, clear instructions, helpful tips, and a visual produce guide, this book will allow you to eat like Italians do today.