Atlas: Tadao Ando

Prestel Publishing


Prestel Publishing
Atlas: Tadao Ando

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Atlas: Tadao Ando vi porta in un affascinante viaggio nel mondo di Tadao Ando, uno degli architetti giapponesi più famosi. Le foto in bianco e nero del fotografo e regista Philippe Séclier presentano un totale di 130 edifici in maniera frammentaria interessante e offrono una veduta d'insieme sui lavori del leggendario architetto, ed anche una prospettiva più personale sulle dimensioni sia fisiche che spirituali. Il libro in inglese è stato pubblicato dalla casa editrice Prestel.

In 2012, Philippe Séclier visited Tadao Ando’s iconic Church of the Light, and was immediately compelled to journey around the world to further study the architect’s buildings. This unique presentation of Ando’s work is the result of what turned into a nine-year project to photograph 130 buildings. Walking around each structure, trying to find the proper framing, helped Séclier understand Ando’s genius for siting and composition. Loosely organized by chronology, each building is represented in numerous black and white images, arranged like a mosaic on the page. These fragmented views correspond to Ando’s own philosophy of the logic of structure and geometry. This »atlas« embraces not only the geographic but also thematic range of Ando’s oeuvre—from transit stations in Tokyo and Kobe to art museums in Fort Worth, Texas and Provence, France; from an artists’ retreat on the Mexican coast to the now-demolished Piccadilly Gardens in Manchester, England; from a theater in Milan, Italy, to an upscale restaurant in New York City. Séclier’s photographs of Ando’s numerous religious structures brilliantly illustrate his use of light and shadow to evoke spiritual depth and timelessness while his short texts offer concise observations of each building. A helpful appendix pinpoints the geographic diversity and range of Ando’s oeuvre.

Prefazione: Yann Nussaume
Philippe Séclier
Opera originale
Originariamente pubblicato da: Atelier EXB
Anno di pubblicazione
Copertina rigida
21 x 28,5 cm
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